We were the earliest guest, arriving during Maghrib. Soon after the others joined in. It was sort of a close nit All In The Family Garden Party – attended by Grandpas & Grandmas, uncles and unties together with Aizat's 4+3+1+2 first cousins and also his 3 sisters.
According to the law - Aizat would reached the age of majority on his next birthday. A shift to adulthood; hence the simple celebration. No balloons, no fanfare, no normal handout of birthday kits for the kids to spoil themselves. I was certain it was planned that way by his Mummy and Abah.
Only that, ( I observed ) the birthday cake had this 'symbolic overture'. I have yet to ascertain.
Between Grandpa and His Grandson, me and Aizat had this small 'open' secret. As a grownup, like any other kids Aizat aspires to drive..... He told me this in not so many words. I advised him; firstly he need to have a valid driving licence before being allowed on the road. He could get himself enrolled at a Driving Institute after his coming Exams. I promised him to persuade his Abah & Mummy if they are against the idea.
'Aizat!!....Its a model of a car. A mini cooper?' I exclaimed as the birthday cake being brought forward. 'Aizat.... now TokBabah can assure you that you are going to have what you have been expecting for. Only that you have to give your very best shots for your forthcoming SPM exams. Make your Abah, Mummy, your siblings and all of us proud of you; gratitude would fill your days.'
Now for entertainment – a debut performance by the birthday boy himself singing and playing the guitar. Tok Babah was lost for words. It was 'like' only yesterday I drove you (as a tiny tot) around Kelana Jaya; with frequent stops at someone front gates to intimidate their guard dogs. Together we enjoyed responding to the angry barking and howling of those agitated canines. Then we proceed on and on, saying 'meow' to any cat 'purring' from brick gateposts. Spontaneously we giggles together. At a point TokBabah nearly drove the car into a drain...ha..ha..ha.
It was those little adventures we had together, a secret Tok Babah cherishes. Of course you don't remember the frequent drives we had, as you were too small then and just learning to walk. In the first place TokBabah should not have taken you for the drive. I did so, because I did the same to your Abah when he was a tot of your age, only he was placed on a special rattan chair hung suspended on the front seat of my old Borgward Arabella, TokBabah's and TokMama's first car.
(You cannot find Borgward Sporty car models on Malaysian road nowadays. Those days only a handful of Borgward Arabella sporty supermodel car could be found on the Malaysian road. Tok Babah was proud to own one.)
So Aizat, happy birthday. Now that you are 17, you and I can talk man to man. I hope your Abah would do the same to you.
We love you earnest and TokBabah & TokMana always pray to ALLAH for your better health, and successful future.
With All Our Loves -